
  • Student Expectations:

    • Practice a minimum of 5 days per week. The length of practice time will be determined by the teacher and the student, or their parents when applicable.

      • It is recommended that students have regular practice days and times. Children thrive on consistency!

    • Music theory should be completed before the following lesson.

    • During lessons, students should ask questions, be respectful to the teacher, follow instructions, and try their best. The room should be quiet and free of distractions.

    • Nails should be trimmed and should not extend past the end of the finger.

  • Parent Expectations:

    • Encourage your student/s regularly, praise them for their diligence with practicing and following the student expectations.

    • Enforce the teacher’s expectation of practicing 5 days per week.

    • Communicate any questions or concerns to the teacher as soon as possible.

    • A parent must be present during the lesson of a minor student.

  • Students must have a piano or keyboard in their home. Piano’s should be tuned once per year. Keyboards/Electric pianos must have 88 keys and the keys must be weighted. Weighted keys allow the player to play softer or louder depending on the amount of pressure placed on the key. It is integral that the piano is placed where there is plenty of light. Please put a lamp on the piano if necessary. Poor lighting not only makes it difficult to see the sheet music properly, it can also strain the student’s eyes. Students must have a metronome (not the built-in metronome on a keyboard). It is suggested that students use a metronome app such as Soundbrenner.

  • Lessons are held weekly for either 30, 45, or 60 minutes depending on their level. Lessons are held at the student’s home. 

  • Recitals are held in the Spring and the Winter. Each student participating is required to pay a $25 recital fee.

  • Schedule:

    • Lessons are held Monday through Friday. Monthly tuition guarantees your lesson day/time.

    • Regular monthly tuition covers approximately 48 weeks of lessons. 

    • Tuition does not change based on the number of lessons in the month. Some months will contain 5 lessons, others 4, and occasionally 3 depending on holidays.

    • There will be no lessons on Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, and the week between Christmas and New Years (specific dates may vary). There will be one week during the summer without lessons, and that will be determined at a later date. Students will not receive a make-up lesson for these holidays. 

    • Monday students will receive a prorated tuition in the months of February, May, and September to make up for the missed lessons on Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, and Labor Day. 

    • Thursday and Friday students will receive a prorated tuition in the month of November to make up for the missed lessons on Thanksgiving and the day after Thanksgiving.

  • Missed Lessons, Students:

    • If a student must cancel for any reason, they may have one make-up lesson per semester. Make-up lessons are conducted at Pond's Music’s piano studio in Shingle Springs. If the student cannot attend a make-up lesson during the given week, it the make-up lesson will be forfeited.

  • Missed Lessons, Teacher:

    • Flex Days - The teacher may miss one day for both the Spring and Winter sessions without making it up.

    • Any lesson canceled by the teacher beyond the flex days will be rescheduled or the student will receive a discount the following month.

  • Materials:

    • Students are responsible for obtaining materials required for lessons.

  • Media Consent:

    • Parent hereby consents to and authorizes Pond’s Music to capture and use video-audio recordings and photographic images of my child/ren and/or their musical performance or quoted statements in print, electronic, or online media, for educational and promotional purposes only, and without any compensation to me and my child/ren. Students will not be personally identified without further parental permission. I ______________________, agree/disagree with the media consent as presented above. Dated _____________________.

  • Tuition and Expenses:

    • Tuition:

      • Tuition is due by the first of each month. Payment accepted is cash, check, or Venmo.

      • If payment is not received by the student’s first lesson of the month or the 5th of the month (whichever comes first), there will be a $20 penalty. Lessons will be suspended all fees are paid. A fee of $35 will be charged for returned checks.

    • Tuition is based on enrollment not attendance. Tuition guarantees the student’s lesson day and time. Tuition is not calculated as an hourly fee for services rendered. Tuition covers time spent with students, preparation time, drive time, gas, the teacher’s training and experience, recital costs and preparations, and more.

  • Termination of Services:

    • Pond’s Music reserves the right to terminate services without notice due to an unsafe environment, including aggressive physical or verbal behavior of the student or anyone else in the household. Teacher’s may also terminate services if the student is uncooperative, does not practice, or if tuition is left unpaid. In such instances, the teacher will first attempt to work with the student to resolve the issue, however, if unable to do so, the teacher may need to terminate services.

    • Students must provide 30 days notice of termination of services. Please provide written notice of cancellation via email.

  • Adherence Statement:

    • This policy document is a legal contract made between Pond’s Music, the student, and, when applicable, the parent. I, _____________________, have received, read and understand the above guidelines pertaining to music lessons with Pond’s Music and agree to abide by  its provisions, as a condition to Teacher providing music lessons to Student.